Child of God
YHWH God the Father brings order into our spiritual growth and into our daily lives. He has related His seven appointed times—the Biblical feasts—to seven fundaments so that every follower of Yeshua the Messiah learns how he or she can spiritually grow and ultimately bear fruit. Moreover, it unites the followers of Yeshua the Messiah into one Body of Yeshua. The Learnhouse goes in-depth into each of these seven fundaments.
In Acts 2:38, Peter calls us to (1) convert, (2) be baptized in water, and (3) be filled with the Holy Spirit. After these three fundaments, we are a child of YHWH God the Father. These fundaments are related to Passover, the Feast of the Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Weeks. You relive these three celebrations every spring.

Fundament 1

Fundament 3
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
- 3.01 Spirit
- 3.02 Worship
- 3.03 Spirit baptism
- 3.04 Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)
- 3.05 New Testament
- 3.06 Gifts
- 3.07 Fruit
- 3.08 Tongues
- 3.09 Power
- 3.10 Spirit and Truth
- 3.11 Prophecy
- 3.12 Fullness
Sons and daughters (disciples)
As a child of YHWH God the Father, you are now ready to become active as a disciple. This phase is like an internship in which you, as an adolescent, are guided by spiritually mature persons. You grow in faith, develop your own ministry in the Kingdom of YHWH God the Father, and you roll up your sleeves as a full member of the House Feast Network.
Being a disciple means that you do exactly what according to the Bible Yeshua the Messiah tells you to do. This is why you learn from the Bible, and supported by other believers, (4) to testify of Yeshua the Messiah and practice charity, (5) work on your sanctification, and (6) plan your spiritual future. These fundaments are related to the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. You celebrate these three feasts every autumn.

Fundament 4
Evangelism & diaconie
Evangelism & diaconie
- 4.01 Discipleship
- 4.02 Sons and daughters
- 4.03 Sermon on the Mount
- 4.04 Feast of Trumpets
- 4.05 Fear of the Lord
- 4.06 Compassion
- 4.07 Charity
- 4.08 Unity
- 4.09 Spiritual warfare
- 4.10 Kissing
- 4.11 Manifest
- 4.12 Ministries

Fundament 5
- 5.01 Perfect
- 5.02 Priesthood
- 5.03 Fasting
- 5.04 Day of Atonement
- 5.05 Putting down the flesh
- 5.06 Holy deeds
- 5.07 Keep silent
- 5.08 Giving
- 5.09 Hypocrisy
- 5.10 Penance
- 5.11 Ambassador
- 5.12 Elders

Fundament 6
- 6.01 Seven fundaments
- 6.02 End time
- 6.03 Feast of Tabernacles
- 6.04 Sukkot
- 6.05 David’s tabernacle
- 6.06 My earthly tent
- 6.07 Second Judgment
- 6.08 Faith, hope and love
- 6.09 Kingdom
- 6.10 Journeys
- 6.11 Bearing fruit
- 6.12 Vision
Spiritually mature
The seventh fundament is your spiritual maturity, the phase in which you fully bear fruit. Your fruit is that you reach people with the gospel of Yeshua the Messiah, regardless of whether they convert or not. Even as spiritually mature, you remain a child and a son or daughter of YHWH God the Father, just like every human always remains the child of his or her parents.
The spiritually mature are active from their house, just like it has been described in Acts and has been commanded and demonstrated to us by Yeshua the Messiah. These are the house feasts. This is where people hear and experience the gospel of Yeshua the Messiah. Other believers in attendance are also counted to the family that carries out this family ministry, and they grow to their own spiritual maturity so that they can then bear fruit from their house as well. This last fundament is related to the Sabbath, because in this house, people will daily find and experience the Sabbath’s rest in this house.

Fundament 7
- 7.01 Reaching
- 7.02 Jailer
- 7.03 Lord’s Supper
- 7.04 Sabbath
- 7.05 Family
- 7.06 Children
- 7.07 Age 12
- 7.08 Houses in Acts
- 7.09 Healing
- 7.10 Nature
- 7.11 Powerful families
- 7.12 Me and my house